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Rodomi 3 įrašai - nuo 1 iki 3 (viso: 3)
Rodomi 3 įrašai - nuo 1 iki 3 (viso: 3)
- Prisijunkite, jei norite atsakyti į šią temą.
annual short film festival will take part during Lithuanian accuracy landing championship 2013.
planned date and time: 2012-02-16 20:00 in a hotels cafe.
Main rules:
1. one contestant prepares only one his own made video clip.
2. video clip must not exceed 5 minutes. (not a second longer!!!).
3. quality up to 720p.
4. size up to 500MB.
movies must be uploaded till 2013-02-10 24:00 to ftp server. Log in detail will be announced soon.
Best video makers will be awarded!
server is working:
user: para
pass: para55
ispejimas, iketu filmuku kita kart prisijungus nematysite, jei kils problemu prasom kreiptis dainius@savam.name
important! uploaded videos will disapear on next login, thats normal. If facing some problems, please contact dainius@savam.name, or on PM
The time for uploading videos is up. If you still want to present your video, please write me a personal message.